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Baofa Immunotherapy
Peer Review Studies
The studies below document successfully treating
stage III and IV solid cancer tumors.
Hapten-Enhanced Overall Survival Time in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Ultro-Minimum Incision Personalized Intratumoral Chemoimmunotherapy.
To compare the therapeutic effects of ultra-minimum incision personalized intratumoral chemoimmunotherapy (UMIPIC) with intratumoral chemotherapy (ITCT) in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinomas and to analyze the effect of hapten as an immune booster.
Use of Hapten Combined Cytotoxic Drugs for Enhancing Therapeutic Effect in Advanced Stages of Pancreatic Cancer
To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of double cytotoxic drugs enhanced chemo immunotherapy in the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer compared to single cytotoxic drugs by ultra-minimum incision personalized intra-tumoral chemo immunotherapy (UMIPIC-Therapy).
Use of Hapten Combined Double Cytotoxic Drugs for Enhancing Survival Time in Large and Huge Hepatocellular Carcinoma with ComprehensiveUMIPIC Therapy
To evaluate overall survival benefit in treatment of large and huge hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) by Ultra-Minimum Incision Personalized Intratumoral Chemoimmunotherapy (UMIPIC) compared to the Intra tumoral Chemotherapy (ITCT). Both methods include the use of two chemotherapy agents. The effect of hapten as an immune booster will also be analyzed
Hapten-Enhanced Therapeutic Effect in Advanced Stages of Lung Cancer by Ultra-Minimum Incision Personalized Intratumoral Chemoimmunotherapy Therapy.
The objective of the study reported here was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of hapten-enhanced chemoimmunotherapy in the treatment of advanced lung cancer by ultra-minimum incision personalized intratumoral chemoimmunotherapy (UMIPIC) and to analyze the effect of this immune booster.